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To discover

Lake Serre-Ponçon

The Hotel Les Flots Bleus in Savines le Lac has direct access to Lake Serre-Ponçon. Nature is omnipresent in Serre-Ponçon. The lake was created in 1959, thanks to the construction of the dam on the Durance. On the lake, you can enjoy many water activities and swim. The lake is also very popular with fishermen who can catch pike, trout, perch or roach.

Around Serre-Ponçon Lake, discover superb natural sites such as the Pisse waterfall, the Liou riverine forest, the Giants' pot, or the Parpaillon Tunnel. Superb views of Lake Serre-Ponçon, in the heart of nature, will be very close to our hotel with jacuzzi in Savines le Lac

Go to here to discover all the activities available around the Blue waves.

The paradise of land, sea and air

The Lake of Serre-Ponçon is a paradise for those wishing to practice sports in the great outdoors. A few meters from our establishment, there are nautical bases, where you can practice: pedal boats, canoes, kit-surfing, etc.

Lake of Serre-Ponçon is also a paradise for adventurers in search of thrill. Go paragliding, but also take a hot air balloon or seaplane ride.

There are beautiful walks all around the lake. Hiking enthusiasts will be able to indulge their passion, thanks to the numerous routes that will take you through the most beautiful places. Ask for an route at the reception of your 2-star hotel

Boscodon Abbey

Located in the heart of the Hautes-Alpes, Boscodon Abbey is a 12th century abbey church. This unique building is located in the heart of a resplendent forest. You will be able to attend guided tours, workshops, exhibitions, conferences, meetings, walks and live shows

The Serre-Ponçon dam

The Serre-Ponçon hydraulic power station is one of the most powerful in France. Work on the dam began in 1955. The idea of building a dam dates back to 1856. Go to the Serre-Ponçon dam to discover the Museoscope du Lac. 

The young ladies with their hair

Discover an unusual natural phenomenon by going to the “Coiffed Ladies”, also called “Fairy Chimneys”. These geological formations can be observed from lookouts. You will discover an atypical spectacle: tall columns topped with a rocky cap. An ideal walk to take with family or friends! 

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The Chapel of Saint-Michel de Prunières

Located in the middle of the lake, discover one of the emblems of Lake Serre-Ponçon, the Saint-Michel chapel. During the construction of the dam in the 60s, the chapel had to be destroyed, but its location on a promontory allowed it to be saved.

Mount Dauphin

The Mont-Dauphin is the stronghold built by Vauban from 1693 and listed as a UNESCO world heritage site. Behind the ramparts, you will observe the barracks, where the soldiers of Louis XIV lived, the powder magazine and the arsenal. It is also a village where 170 inhabitants live in a lovely and atypical setting